本帖最后由 胜源毅 于 2013-4-4 01:38 编辑
“This tutorial explains the parameters of thepermissible use and release of student records. The laws and regulations onmaintaining and using student records are the Family Educational Rights andPrivacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 (Public Law 93-380), as amended; 34 Code of FederalRegulations, Part 99; Oregon Revised Statutes 351.065, and OregonAdministrative Rules 580-Division 13 and 576-Division 20.” 意思很简单,就是学生成绩是受教育和隐私权的保护,还受到其他各种条例保护
“Iam dedicated to establishing an inclusive learning environment that values allstudents’ experiences. Therefore,disrespectful and demeaning statements, attitudes, and behaviors based on age,ability, color/ethnicity/race, gender identity/expression, immigration status,marital/parental status, military/veteran’s status, national origin, politicalaffiliation, religious/spiritual beliefs, sex, sexual orientation,socioeconomic status will not be tolerated." 我致力于建立融洽的学习环境,因为学生的年龄、能力、种族、肤色、性别、社会身份、婚姻情况、国籍、信仰、性取向 和 经济情况而受到歧视,这是无法容忍的。