Someoneasked "What's your "secret" to a happy life? What makes your days blissful?" on a forum. 有人在论坛上问:“你保持生活愉悦的秘诀是什么?是什么让你的生活美滋滋的?“ I'm not annoying.Think I've got a higher level of life satisfaction than a lot of my friends. There are three things that I can put my finger on that I think I do a little differently than them (and a lot of people). Hope they bring you some joy! 我无意哗众取宠,但我真心觉得自己的生活满意度比周围许多朋友都要高。我确定在4件事情上的做法与他们不同,并希望这些不同的做法也能给你带来快乐! 1. I'm constantly and conscientiously focusing on being grateful for all the amazing and miraculous shit in my life. 我总是对生活中发生的一切美好神奇的事情心存感激。 My wife is a good human, I work with good people, I'm not sick right now, etc... Looking at the basic, mundane stuff around me and appreciating it really helps me feel like I'm a lucky person. 我的太太很善良,我的同事都是好人,目前我也没有疾病缠身。看我周围这些稀松平常的事情,让我内心感动、觉得自己非常幸运。 2. Tell people you love them, be generous with your friends. 时常表达爱意,慷慨待友人。 I don't think people realize until they've lost something or made a truly irrevocable mistake just how much loss hurts, and how much they'd give to just express their love for whatever it was that is now gone. 我觉得人们往往只有在失去了某样东西之后,或犯了不可挽回的错误之后,才会体会到失去的痛苦,才会意识到自己多么想对那些已逝之人表达爱意。 3. Always ask yourself if you could be wrong, and really be open to it. 绝不要忘了问自己有没有做错,并用开放的心胸接纳真相。 Give yourself a break, and don't hold yourself to unreasonable standards on this count: as long as you're looking around your world with an open heart and an open mind, the pure intentions behind anything you're wrong about will shine through. 给自己一个喘息,不要以不近人情的标准来苛责自己,尽可能地多看看这个世界,敞开心扉,解放思想,不去想自己对错与否,以初心照亮身心。