15 Signs that You're on the Right Track in Life. 15个标志证明你的生活处于正轨。 获得357好评的回答@MO SEETUBTIM 1. 你清楚自己是谁。 2. You know what you like — and what you don’t. 2. 你知道自己喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。 3. You’ve accepted your flaws. 3. 你接纳自己的缺点。 4. You’re proud of your strengths and feel okay with your weaknesses. 4. 你为自己的优点感到自豪,并且可以接受自己的缺点。 5. You’re (mostly) happy. 5. 你(大部分时候)很幸福。 6. You have less drama with your friends. 6. 你与朋友友好相处。 7. You understand that failure is part of the process. 7. 你明白失败是人生的一部分。 8. You might feel poor but you have enough to pay bills, afford the necessities in life, and occasional fun. 8. 你可能觉得穷,但你有能力去支付账单、承担得起生活必需品,偶尔也可以为生活寻找乐趣。 9. You appreciate your family and advice they give you. 9. 你感恩家人以及他们给你提的建议。 10. Your apartment feels like home. 10. 你的公寓有家的感觉。 11. You know how to stand up for yourself. 11. 你知道如何坚持下去。 12. You’re working for, or toward, something you’re passionate about. 12. 你所工作的正是你所热爱的。 13. You love going to work. It makes you feel fulfilled. 13. 你热爱工作,它让你感到满足。 14. You know what you want and you go for it. You’re never afraid to ask for what you want and go to where/whom you can get it from. 14. 你知道自己想要什么并且勇敢去争取。你从不畏惧去争取自己想要的。 15. You never stop learning. You are curious by nature, keep pushing yourself forward, and thrive on challenge. 15. 从不停下学习的脚步。你天生好奇、奋力向前,敢于挑战。