Every now and then, someone tries to make a case for objective beauty – the notion that there is a quasi-scientific way to judge whether something is beautiful or not. 时不时地,总有些人要纠结什么是客观的美,他们觉得能找到一种准确而科学的方法来界定一个东西到底美不美。 They poorly analyze survey data. In the end, all this so-called objectivity simply serves what they themselves want to express. 这些人总是潦草地分析一堆调研数据,而最终,这种所谓的客观只不过是鼓吹他们自己想表达的那些东西。 Beauty is subjective. Period. 美是主观的,这才是不变的真理。 We each dictate what it is, how it is, and why it is. 对于“美”是什么、如何是、为什么是,我们每个人都有不同的观点。 We assign degrees of beauty to those around us according to preconceived parameters. 我们总是在心里带着自己的标准去衡量身边的人漂不漂亮。 They coincide with what we value in life. 而这些标准其实都反映了我们自己的价值观。 They bounce off of our belief systems, our concepts of good and bad, right and wrong, and some, of righteous or sinful. 它们与我们的信仰、善恶观、是非观、道德观是息息相关的。 A guy's heart is broken by a beautiful woman with light brown hair and hazel eyes. 一位男子被一名褐发碧眼的美丽女人伤透了心。 It forever alters his experience of those properties on a woman. 于是这个女人的这些特点给他的感觉就永远不再一样了。 A man's life is saved in the jungle by a woman with corncobs on her head and a plate in her lip. 另一个男人在丛林里被一名女子救了一命,而这名女子头上顶着玉米棒子、嘴唇上串着唇盘。 She is kind, caring, nurturing, and loving. 她很善良、很会照顾人、很有爱心。 He will forever see such women through new eyes. His inner eyes have opened to reveal beauty where once he was blind to it. 于是这名男子看这名女子的眼光从此不一样了。他的心看见了他眼镜看不见的美丽。 I'm really tired of seeing all those dispute about beauty online. 我对网上那些关于美丽与否的争论真的感到很累。 I hope my words can bring you all some inner peace if you need it. 希望我的这些话能帮那些有需要的人找到内心的宁静。