Pretty mucheveryone knows the feeling of dealing with people who have no idea what yourprofession is actually all about. Sometimes it even becomes frustrating toexplain the nuances of your job over and over again. But if people will payattention to this post, many won't have to do it ever again. 几乎所有人都遇到过这样一种状况:跟那些对你的工作一无所知的人打交道,会让你万分无语,有时你甚至不得不把那些繁琐的工作细节一遍又一遍的加以解释,真是令人沮丧。不过,如果人们看了这篇文字,他们应该不会再那样为难你了。 1 Manager 经理 Being good at yourjob doesn’t necessarily make you a good choice for managing others doing thatjog 擅长做自己份内的事情并不意味着你是管理其他人,监督他们做同一工作的最合适人选。 2 nurse 护士 Nurses areunderpaid. We are not all sexy. We work outside of hospitals too. We are oftenhourly wage workers who don’t get paid if we don’t work, and insurancecompanies cover everything medical(doctors, spcialists, therapists ,procedures, equipment) but not nursing hours. 护士的工资很低。并不是所有的护士都很性感。不是所有的护士都在医院工作。很多护士都是小时工,不干活就没有工资。保险公司为所有医疗工作者提供保险服务(全科医生,专科医生,康复技师,文员,设备操作员),只有护士的护理工作时间不计入保险。 3 programmer 程序员 Most programmersdon’t know why your printer isn’t working. 打印机坏了?其实大多数程序员都不知道该怎么修。” 4 Librarians 图书管理员 Librarians do, infact , still exist 事实上,图书管理员这种人仍然存在 5 Photographer 摄影师 A photo isn’tpublic domain just because you found it on the internet 在网上找到了一张照片,不代表它就是公用物品。 use someone else'spictures even though they had edited them that person just thought that I hateher because she was a Christian and I was a sinner. 我一直在跟艺术盗窃行为做斗争。如果你质问他们为什么觉得冒用别人的艺术作品是合理的行为,他们会给出千奇百怪的理由 6 Environmentalscientist 环境科学家 That climatechange is certainly, indisputably manmade and real, and that any doubt ismanufactured by special interest groups. 全球变暖是人为造成的,这是千真万确,不容置疑的事实,任何质疑的声音背后都有特殊利益团体操纵。 7.Marriage,Family, And Sex Therapist My marital statusdoes not impact my knowledge, wisdom, empathy or ethics. 我的婚姻状况不影响我的知识,智慧,同情心和伦理观 Therapy takestime; maybe weeks, maybe months. Don't expect me to help you "fix" inone session what took years to destroy. 婚姻辅导需要时间:可能需要几个星期,甚至几个月;别期望我在第一次辅导都帮你解决问题,这些问题往往是经年累月形成的 sex problems arerarely about sex. 性的问题往往不是性机能的问题。 8 Assistant 助手 Though I amsomebody's assistant, I am not everybody's assistant. 我只是我上级的助手,但并不是每个人的助手。 9 It consultant 咨询师 Just becausesomeone works in IT does not automatically mean they can diagnose orfix thatproblem with your home PC/broadband or creat a website for you anymore than aPharmacist can sew your arm back on. 在IT领域工作并不一定意味着他们能诊断或解决你的家庭电脑/宽带出现的问题,也并不意味着他们能帮你设计一个网站,就像药剂师不能帮你把断掉的胳膊缝回去一样。 10. Editor 编辑 Editing is moreabout fixing arguments and story sturcture than fixing sentences. Often when Itell someone I'm a book editor, I get some form of: "That's so awesome! Ilove finding typos!" 编辑的职责更多的是加强论证,调整故事结构,而不是修改句子。很多时候当我告诉别人我是一个编辑,他们经常的评论是“听上去真不错。我最喜欢在文章里找小错误了。