成长值: 66625
The PSRK property method is based on the Predictive Soave-Redlich-Kwong
equation-of-state model, which is an extension of the Redlich-Kwong-Soave
equation of state.
Besides the acentric factor, you can use up to three polar parameters to fit
more accurately the vapor pressure of polar compounds. The Holderbaum-
Gmehling mixing rules or PSRK method predict the binary interactions at any
pressure. Using UNIFAC the PSRK method is predictive for any interaction
that can be predicted by UNIFAC at low pressure. The UNIFAC interaction
parameter table has been extended for gases, for the PSRK method.
The minimum parameter requirements of the PSRK property method are
given in the tables labeled Parameters Required for the PSRK Property Method
(see below) and Parameters Required for Flexible and Predictive Models. For
details about the optional parameters, and about calculation of pure
component and mixture properties, see Physical Property Models.
Mixture Types
You can use the PSRK property method for mixtures of non-polar and polar
compounds, in combination with light gases.
You can use the PSRK property method up to high temperatures and
pressures. You can expect accurate predictions at any conditions provided
UNIFAC interaction parameters are available. Results are least accurate close
to the critical point. |