贺信 Hexagon Elite 2023
01 公司介绍 中石化石油工程设计有限公司(简称石油工程设计,原胜利油田勘察设计研究院),始建于1965年,成立于1972年。是国家甲级勘察设计单位,全国石油行业油田采出水处理、滩海油田地面工程技术指导性设计单位,全国石油行业水处理技术中心站站长单位,中国石化集团公司上游最大的设计院,全国质量守信企业,被山东省认定为“高新科技企业”和“重合同守信用单位”。
02 作品展示
作者:中石化石油工程设计有限公司 张迪
Sinopec Petroleum Engineering Corporation (SPE) was responsible for the design, procurement and construction of DY project. The biggest challenge of the project was to complete the construction in a very short time. With the help of Hexagon solution, the design phase realizes the collaborative design of various majors, improves the design efficiency, reduces the error rate, reduces the design time from 6 months to 3 months, and realizes the transmission of design data from design to construction. CAESAR II was used to carry out stress analysis of the pipe to ensure the essential safety of the pipe.
During the construction process, the construction plan was formulated with the help of Hexagon solution, the construction schedule was controlled, and the modules were prefabricated in the factory in advance, which reduced the entire construction cycle from 14 months to 10 months.
The digital delivery of design data was finally carried out in the project, which improved the automation and information level of the oil depot management. With the help of the digital twin platform, the annual operating cost was reduced by 65.1%. The project was highly appraised by users.
03 作品点评
04 赛事介绍 海克斯康全球精英奖大赛是由海克斯康数字智能(原鹰图公司)举办的全球设计大赛。赛事基于海克斯康近20年的赛事运作基础上,融合了金阀门奖大赛、铂金管道奖大赛、Drivers of Success奖大赛等多项赛事,对软件应用层面具有创新力和执行力的用户进行全球性选拔和嘉奖。
三维设计类奖项表彰在Intergraph Smart 3D、Intergraph Smart Review和/或 CADWorx软件应用方面,最具创新性和最具执行力的选手。
关于海克斯康 海克斯康,作为数字化信息技术解决方案的革新者,秉承“智慧引擎,共赋未来”的理念,凭借“双智战略”推动制造业的智能与创新,构建新基建智慧城市生态体系。海克斯康业务遍及全球50个国家及地区,拥有员工超过24,000人。
关于海克斯康数字智能 海克斯康数字智能是海克斯康集团的独立产业单元。作为全球领先的工程类软件研发企业和信息应用服务商,从数字化工程到数字化交付以及数字化工厂,海克斯康数字智能始终致力于面向工厂全生命周期的企业级工程和管理软件系统的开发及应用服务。海克斯康数字智能通过数字化、智能化的解决方案助力客户充分利用有价值的数据资产,实现可持续发展,赋能流程工业的数字化转型,提高生产效率。