What is the most important quality for a person to succeed? 一个人想要成功,最需要的能力是什么? You may be awareof that people have long been debating about whether it's IQ or EQ. 你可能已经察觉,长久以来,人们一直在争论到底是智商还是情商。 One of themmeasures how much you can master complexity. 它们中的其中一个衡量的是你掌握复杂东西的能力。 The othermeasures how much you can understand and control emotion. 另一个衡量的则是你理解、控制感情的能力。 Sure, they areboth very important. 诚然,它们都非常重要。 But neither ofthem is the critical one. 但它们都不是最重要的那个。 General Pattononce said: "I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but howhigh he bounces when he hits bottom." 巴顿将军曾经说过:“衡量一个人的成功时,我并不看他能爬多高,而是看他能从多深的低谷爬起来。” And this qualityis called AQ, which stands for Adversity Quotient. 这种能力就是所谓的AQ,它指的是“逆商”。 It measures howwell you can handle adversities. 它衡量的是你应对逆境的能力。 Most people can dovery well when everything is fine. 很多人在一切顺利的时候都能做得很好。 But most of themwill collapse once a great adveristy comes and neither IQ or EQ can savethem from that. 然而一旦经历了重大的挫折,他们中的很多就会崩溃,而不管是IQ还是EQ都无法拯救这样的人。 Can you handle anadversity? If not, make yourself. 你能挺得过逆境吗?如果不能,那就强迫自己能。