优瓦黑麦酮酸分析对照标准品广州优瓦仪器有限公司4000-868-328 专注进口标准品优瓦黑麦酮酸分析对照标准品 黑麦酮酸 Secalonic acid D 50 μg/mL in Chloroform ERM 1.2mlAcrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene-Copolymerisate (ABS) - Pb, Br, Cd, Cr (granulate) ERM 100gAcrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene-Copolymerisate (ABS) - Pb, Br, Cd, Cr (disc 40 mm x 1 mm) ERM discAcrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene-Copolymerisate (ABS) - Pb, Br, Cd, Cr (set of discs) ERM setofdiscsAcrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene-Copolymerisate (ABS) - Pb, Br, Cd, Cr (disc 40 mm x 2 mm) ERM discAcrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene-Copolymerisate (ABS) - Pb, Br, Cd, Cr (disc 40 mm x 6 mm) ERM disc柴油 Diesel oil (type A) (ISO 9377-2, ISO 16703, EN 14039) ERM 7ml润滑油 Lubricating oil (type B) (ISO 9377-2, ISO 16703, EN 14039) ERM 7ml柴油 Diesel Fuel (type A)/Lubricating Oil (type B) (1:1) (ISO 9377-2, ISO 16703, EN 14039) ERM 7ml钛,粉状 Titanium (Ti) Aluminium (Al) multilayer on 100Cr6 steel substrate - disc (30 mm x 5 mm) ERM disc钛,粉状 Titanium dioxide (TiO2) Silicon dioxide (SiO2) multilayer on BK7 glass - plate (30 mm x 30 mm x 1 mm) ERM plate钛,粉状 Titanium nitride (TiN) single layer - disc (30 mm x 5 mm) ERM disc钒 Vanadium nitride (VN) single layer - disc (30 mm x 5 mm) ERM disc钛,粉状 Titanium carbide (TiC) single layer- disc (30 mm x 5 mm) ERM disc钒 Vanadium carbide (VC) single layer- disc (30 mm x 5 mm) ERM disc多空氧化铝 Porous alumina - pellets of alumina ERM 10g石英粉 Quartz powder with small specific surface area ERM 10g氧化铝 Alumina powder with small specific surface area ERM 10g碳化硅 Silicon carbide powder ERM bottle六价铬玻璃 Glass - hexavalent chromium ERM 50g优瓦黑麦酮酸分析对照标准品Tel:020-3730 3938Fax:020-8120 2005
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