Q: What is the highest form of intelligence?提问:智慧的最高形式是什么? 获得9.7k好评的答案@Vivek Nagarajan The ability to transfer it to someone who lacks it.把智慧传递给那些缺乏它的人。 获得8.8k好评的答案@Becky Lee Understanding that you can't change other peoples opinions by arguing with them…明白你是无法通过争吵来改变他人观点的······No matter how "smart" you are, you're stupid if you think forcing your opinion will shame others into seeing things your way.不管你有多“聪明”,如果你认为把自己的意见强加在别人身上,别人就会感到惭愧并且站在你的角度看待事物,那你就是愚蠢。 获得7.3k好评的答案@Charles Faraone “Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.” - Arthur Schopenhauer能者达人所不达,智者达人所未见。 ——亚瑟·叔本华获得5.8k好评的答案@Nisanth Varma Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but the highest form of intelligence. - Oscar Wilde讽刺是机智的低端表现,却也是智慧的最高表现。——奥斯卡·王尔德 获得5.7k好评的答案@Balaji Babu “An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex.” - Aldous Huxley.知识分子就是那些能发现比性更有趣事物的人。——阿道司·赫胥黎 获得3.3k好评的答案@Surabhi Surendra I believe the highest form of intelligence is simplicity. Intelligence means making things simpler and easier.我认为聪明的最高表现形式是简单。聪明就是让事情变得更简单、更容易。 获得2.9k好评的答案@Aso Sun Observing like a newborn baby.像新生儿一样观察。Thinking like an alien creature.像外星生物一样思考。Responding like a human being.像人类一样做出反应。I have no idea about what highest intelligence is. But never set boundary to yourself, because no one knew it either.我不知道什么是聪明的最高表现形式,但是永远不要给自己设定界限,因为谁也不知道你的界限在哪里。 大连华工创新科技股份有限公司拥有全球领先技术、十年品质保证、贴心的售前售后服务,优秀的研发团队,保证客户不同的需求。有意者请登录www.hgcx.cn或致电0411-39525022密封点胶机,胶条发泡机,聚氨酯涂胶机,机柜密封打胶机,双组份淋胶机,板材刷胶机,断桥铝门窗注胶机 涂胶机 机柜点胶机 密封点胶机 机柜密封 机器人涂胶机 胶条发泡机 断桥铝注胶机 穿条发泡 板材刷胶机 汽车涂胶机 全自动点胶机 PU发泡机 密封胶条设备 自动密封 设备视频 机器人自动连续密封条点胶机Website: HGIT Dispensing system dispensing machine for Cabinets CNC PU Seal Pouring Machine Foam sealing gasket machine Injection (Potting) Machine barrier-strip foam technique Customized production solutions Foam sealing machine (FIPFG) Warm Edge Spacer Forming Machine PU foam dispensing machine Glue Dispensing Robot strip feeding PU foam Foam in Place Gasket machine谢谢你的分享 谢谢楼主分享! {:1110_553:}