huagongkeji 发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00


Stop being tooobsessed with productivity.别再过于迷信产出率了。The productivity of a worker is ratherimportant.一个职场人的产出率是挺重要的。The amount of workyou do says something about your ability, but only in a limited way.你完成的工作量可以说明你的能力,不过它的程度很有限。Besides, comparingtwo people’s ability simply by the amount of work they do is really not a smartway.而且,光以工作量的多少来比较两个人的能力,真的是一种低端的比较方式。Such value is usedto judge the assembly line workers in the industrial age, and it is obviouslyinappropriate to judge today's brain workers.这种价值观是在工业时代用来评判流水线工人的,现在拿来评判脑力劳动者显然不合适。If you think abouthow to do more work every day, your mindset will become increasingly fixed, andyour ability to solve open problems will get worse over time.如果你每天的思考重心都是怎样做出更多的活,你的大脑就会越来越机械化,久而久之你解决开放性问题的能力就会越来越差。Moreover, this wayof working will take up your time when you should be making strategic planning.Instead, you are only trying to become a better-functioning part of a machine,which is definitely not good for your long-term career development.况且,这样的工作方式会让你无暇做战略性的规划,你只是在努力成为一个更好用的零件,这对你长远的职业发展肯定是不利的。
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70chenli 发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00

Thanks for sharing

姚老棍子 发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00


pdsnzk1972 发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00


87737352 发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00


jiangzxc 发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00


wygnei 发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00


qin0335 发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00

daily english

easyanabcd 发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00


wang4585ln 发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00


光子魂 发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00

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